


About geese geese 🐧

What is the goose that is a goose#

Goose goose is a goose, a noble penguin ε=(o`ω′) ノ,not the kind that is kept at home!! Commonly used ID: Moehentai, Moe = 萌,hentai=gentleman
This ID was thought of by Goose Goose many years ago when he first bought a domain name. It took a long time to come up with it, about 5 minutes, the longest time ever spent thinking about buying a domain name, and it is still being used today. However, because Goose Goose had some other IDs in use before, I will mention all of Goose Goose's commonly used IDs (as for the commonly used profile picture, you can see it for yourself):

Moehentai, Moehentai2333, Like the cute sister's perverted goose, Penguin King 008, Holy Eye Big Goose, Holy Eye Big Goose

Goose Goose's hobbies#

Don't ask, the answer is slacking off, Goose Goose is old, crying.

Goose Goose's commonly used phrases#

  • Pupupu, envious crying
  • Give money give money.jpg
  • Crying crying
  • Are you there? kkj
  • Where is your horse?
  • Goose Goose's beloved xx
  • To be supplemented

Goose Goose's dark history#

  • Shenbi website
  • There is a Tieba called Penguin King 008
  • A post on v2ex (don't talk to Goose Goose about this, otherwise you might get bitten, read it separately)

Goose Goose's contact information#

If you have any questions, you can contact Goose Goose through the following methods:

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