


July New Releases! The Summer Journey of the Big Goose🐧! (Mount Tai🚞 & BW✨ & BML🎉 & Wuzhen🏡 & West Lake🛶)

Here is the translation:

Here is Goose Goose! In fact, Goose Goose has been back for a month, and the reason for not updating is that half of the photos 📷 were left in Shanghai, and Goose Goose's big brother probably won't be able to go back until next month. I originally wanted to delay for a few days, but I was afraid I would forget, so I wrote it down first. As for the photos, I can supplement them later if I remember!

Zero. Prologue: Tools Personnel, Assemble!#

Goose Goose's younger brother is taking the college entrance examination this year (Goose Goose helped a lot with the choice and filling out of the application), and after filling it out, he started considering where to travel. At this time, it was unexpectedly learned that Goose Goose's uncle's son (the child of Goose Goose's father's brother) also happened to be laid off by the company, so Goose Goose called him to join the team. Next was choosing a destination; these two didn't know where to go, and when asked, they said anywhere is fine. One has always lived at school, and the other works 996. Just right, the stinky strawberry 🍓 in the cute skirt just finished climbing Mount Tai, and Goose Goose was quite interested in going to see it, so I asked if it required a lot of physical strength. Strawberry 🍓 said they only rested for half an hour at the South Heaven Gate and got wet twice during the whole process, so big goose, you should be fine. So it was arranged; it was the 8th, and coincidentally, it was also the day to grab BW tickets. Goose Goose thought, going to BW is also fine, to see the little sister meow~. As a result, at noon 12:00, [you can't buy this ticket type, hey], ????????, damn, it took about 40 seconds to recover. Goose Goose was still outside having lunch with colleagues, and escaped from the dining table at 11:50, only to be caught in this situation. I couldn't grab the noon ticket, and the meal wasn't good either. Fortunately, I managed to grab 3 VIP tickets for the 21st in the evening. I must say, grabbing tickets for 3 people at once is much more tiring than for 1 person! Then on the 12th, BML tickets were also released. Goose Goose hit up big brother a few times, and big brother generously gave Goose Goose a bunch of gold coins 💰, but unfortunately, I couldn't grab tickets for both lunch and dinner. Damn it, I was so mad, I could only wait for the second round of ticket sales. By this time, Goose Goose had already set the departure time; on the 16th, Goose Goose would set off locally. Goose Goose thought the performance would start on the 22nd, so surely tickets would be released on the 15th, right? If nothing unexpected happens, it indeed didn't release tickets. There was no choice but to keep climbing Mount Tai while checking notifications. On the 15th, the gear also arrived, and I bought some new clothes, a power bank, a fan, etc. Goose Goose also asked big brother to spend gold coins to buy an Action3, planning to record a Vlog this time, but later it turned out to be completely unnecessary because no one recorded... nor would they, talking to the camera was awkward. Fortunately, this thing could later be used as a dashcam for big brother's newly bought little motorcycle, so it wasn't a loss meow~

One. Chapter One: Mount Tai? Just so-so!#


Today's itinerary: Goose Goose and his younger brother set off from the local area around 10:00, first taking a 9-hour green train, then transferring at Tianjin Station to a bullet train for 2 hours to Tai'an Station, and finally taking a taxi to the hotel, arriving at 22:30. Goose Goose's big brother set off from Shanghai and arrived around 17:00. Big brother rode his little electric bike 🚲 and wandered around for over 20 kilometers, even sending Goose Goose a photo. Besides that, there was nothing to do today; just tidying up at the hotel and then off to sleep 💤!


Ready to set off meow~

![Photo taken by big brother on the electric bike][2]

Photo taken by big brother on the electric bike


2023.07.17 7:00 Shandong. Hotel#

Get up, tidy up and set off meow! Put on the backpack, take big brother's camera and lens, put on the backpack, and went downstairs to buy 3 grilled sausages and 4 bottles of water! Although the bag weighs about 15 kilograms, it should be fine with Goose Goose and his younger brother taking turns carrying it, right?
PS: Big brother doesn't participate in taking turns because the condition for him to bring the camera is that he doesn't carry it.

2023.07.17 8:50 Mount Tai. Ticket Checkpoint#

Aha, successfully checked in, damn it, Goose Goose was a bit out of breath at the ticket checkpoint, but it was all stairs, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

![Mount Tai Entrance][3]

2023.07.17 9:51 Mount Tai. Initial Climb#

Damn it, Goose Goose's younger brother is not following the rules; Goose Goose carried the bag for 3 hours and asked him to switch, and he actually ran away!!! Fortunately, Goose Goose got the walking stick he asked him to buy, so if he ran away, let him be. First, let's have an ice cream 🍨 with little goose.

![Little goose eating ice cream][4]

2023.07.17 12:19 Mount Tai. South Heaven Gate#

Arrived at the South Heaven Gate, quite interesting, little goose has already blurred. At this time, big brother has already reached the top of the mountain, big brother is so fast, Goose Goose's younger brother had a stomach issue midway but is also close to the top, only Goose Goose is in the middle, Goose Goose is so weak 🥬

![South Heaven Gate][5]

2023.07.17 14:44#

Aha, reached the Dragon Gate, almost there! Goose Goose, charge ahead! (At this time, his brother and younger brother are already sleeping at the top of the mountain 💤) Here I bought a portion of grilled cold noodles 🍝 for 20 bucks, and Goose Goose has never eaten such terrible grilled cold noodles!!!!

![Dragon Gate][6]

2023.07.17 15:30#

Arrived at the South Heaven Gate meow! It’s really tiring, but his brother and younger brother don’t seem to be tired at all; they even came down from the top to meet Goose Goose. After that, we strolled around a bit at the top, attached are the photos taken by big brother. Goose Goose only realized at the top that carrying a backpack was completely wrong! Goose Goose thought big brother should have some photography basics since he had a camera, but it turned out big brother only knows Auto and just presses the shutter, resulting in five consecutive shots! Goose Goose directly ascended to heaven on the spot 😇

![At the top][7]

![Big brother's casual shot 1][8]

![Big brother's casual shot 2][9]

2023.07.17 17:37#

Took the cable car down the mountain meow! However, the cable car only goes to the South Heaven Gate, and we still had to walk down. Fortunately, when Goose Goose caught up with his younger brother, he gave him the backpack, hehe. But going down the mountain is really not tiring, just not friendly to the knees; if we went all the way down, it would already be 20:00 at night. On the way down, I saw quite a few people carrying flags for night climbing; there were really a lot of people.

![Going down][10]

Summary of Mount Tai meow~#

Mount Tai is pretty good; although Goose Goose took 6.5 hours to reach the top, it must be because of the backpack, not Goose Goose's problem 🤡! There are shops selling supplies all the way up the mountain, with prices ranging from cheap to expensive to cheap again. Goose Goose actually drank 10 bottles of water that day! Speaking of which, luckily I didn't buy the night climbing ticket; Goose Goose's younger brother said that the night climbers were packed, and someone like Goose Goose, who walks 3 steps and rests for 10 minutes, probably wouldn't make it. The most frustrating thing is that after climbing the mountain that night, after they finished showering, it was Goose Goose's turn to shower, and halfway through, the water stopped! In short, climbing Mount Tai, highly recommended meow! But couples should be cautious; there were indeed quite a few arguments along the way...

2023.07.18 10:00 Shandong. Hotel#

Water is back, time to shower meow! After showering, preparing to set off for the next stop. Yesterday, big brother returned from Mount Tai and has been checking out Qiandao Lake and parachuting in Huzhou. After looking at the weather, he gave up. Originally, we planned to go to Hangzhou first, but it has been raining 💦 there these days, so we directly changed the plan to go to Shanghai meow!

Two. Chapter Two: Shanghai... Fortress?#

2023.07.18 16:10 Shanghai. Hongqiao Railway Station#

Arrived in Shanghai! Because there was no water last night, I couldn't wash my clothes, so I first went to big brother's place to wash them. Then... BML actually released tickets at 18:00! It’s already 17:30! Fortunately, the hotel Goose Goose booked is quite close to big brother's house, so I ran over at lightning speed. At the same time, actually, Goose Goose had deployed a script on the server before setting off on the trip (oh no, don’t scold me, it was a last resort because I was afraid I wouldn’t know when tickets would be released during the trip), so I contacted Goose Goose's stinky haozi [@haozi][11] to help me press Enter remotely via RDP. Then, at 17:59, haozi sent a WeChat message to Goose Goose, saying the token had expired. At that moment, Goose Goose's heart ♥ instantly sank because Goose Goose knew many people were using scripts, and Goose Goose's chances of grabbing tickets were basically hopeless, especially since Goose Goose was grabbing for 3 people. But! It seems that Goose Goose's bond with 2233 is still there, and I directly grabbed 3 tickets for 780! How nice! Although haozi from five's side didn't grab tickets because the token expired, at least he helped, and it had been a long time since I v50'd, so Goose Goose directly v'd him 50!

![Big brother's motorcycle][12]

Big brother's newly bought little motorcycle 🏍️


2023.07.19 10:20 Shanghai. Shanghai Film Museum#

Due to a last-minute change in the itinerary, I arrived in Shanghai two days early. Last night I asked the two where they wanted to go, and they didn't respond. I happened to come across this film museum, which has old animation stuff from the Shanghai Animation Film Studio, so I planned to go take a look. However, after wandering around for more than half an hour, I came out; there were indeed things, but they were quite disconnected from Goose Goose's age. Then it was already 11:30, so I planned to have a meal. While eating, Goose Goose was scrolling through Moments and happened to see a friend in Shanghai! She was actually watching penguins 🐧! Goose Goose also wants to go see! However, the address is at Dishui Lake, which is a bit far, so I planned to go the next day. Speaking of Dishui Lake, Goose Goose stayed there for a while when he visited in 2018, and unexpectedly came back after 5 years.

![Shanghai Film Museum 1][13]

![Shanghai Film Museum 2][14]

![Shanghai Film Museum 3][15]

![Shanghai Film Museum 4][16]

![Shanghai Film Museum 5][17]

2023.07.19 12:38 Shanghai. EVA Unit-01#

In the afternoon, I planned to stroll around the Bund, and big brother said we should check in at a few places, so we arrived at one of the well-known 二刺螈 check-in spots in Shanghai.


2023.07.19 14:04 Shanghai. Freedom Gundam Statue#

Another well-known 二刺螈 check-in spot in Shanghai, big brother said it would light up at night and would also move! Speaking of which, Goose Goose has never watched EVA or Gundam, only heard of them to some extent, sigh.


2023.07.19 14:58 Shanghai. Mall next to Gundam#

After watching Gundam, I planned to take a break, so I wandered around the nearby mall, where there was an archery 🏹 experience center. Big brother was interested, and originally Goose Goose and his younger brother refused because they were afraid they couldn't pull it (Goose Goose, weak!), but seeing big brother's enthusiasm and him actively spending gold coins, I experienced archery with big brother. Goose Goose only understood archery from [@- 谢安然 -][20]'s [this video][21], it was really cool meow~ (Follow [@- 谢安然 -][22] meow, follow [@- 谢安然 -][23] thank you meow~). However, Goose Goose's experience was not with a compound bow 🏹, just a regular bow, with a pull of only 20 or something, and the distance was also 15m, haha, the experience was okay, and the price wasn't expensive! All three of us had the wrong posture, and later a young man inside saw us and came over to play a round, then we couldn't spend gold coins anymore, and he didn't correct us, haha

![Big brother shooting][24]

World Famous Painting: <>

2023.07.19 16:57 Shanghai. The Bund#

Arrived at the Bund meow! There are really a lot of people. People everywhere 🐧, taking a boat is also crowded with people, and as the sky darkens, more and more people! Big brother asked if we should wait until night? Goose Goose looked and thought, forget it. Preparing to go back, big brother looked like an old 二刺螈 and said not to rush, let’s go to Nanjing Walking Street, there's another check-in spot. Ah, indeed, it should be Bai Lian, the density there is indeed high; the last time I felt such density was at CJ in 2018. However, what impressed Goose Goose the most inside was a young couple. They looked about in their first year of middle school, and the girl was a little Miku, so sweet!!!! Trying to lure the 🐧 in to kill, Goose Goose felt like dying meow 💀

![The Bund][25]

2023.07.20 Shanghai. Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park#

Today, I spent the whole day at Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park meow! Although it was drizzling lightly to moderately, it couldn't stop Goose Goose from seeing the 🐧! However, there was a twist here; big brother said the xianyu 🐟 ticket was cheap, and Goose Goose didn't ask much, just said you buy it. As a result, sigh, it was indeed cheap because it was a cosplay ticket, and the price was just between the full-price ticket and the WeChat official account's cosplay ticket. Big brother said although he spent a little more, it provided clothes. Goose Goose saw that they were collaborating with One Piece recently, and when I arrived at the meeting point, it was indeed a straw hat 👒, a pair of shorts 👖, and a red vest 🎽, and I directly blacked out. Forget it, since I bought it, I’ll just go with it, and after mixing in, I directly threw it in the trash can meow~ Then, I went to see the penguins 🐧 and the orca 🐋 performance, but Goose Goose only took pictures of the penguins!

![Penguin 1][26]

Big goose and little goose

![Penguin 2][27]

Three. Chapter Three: It turns out Goose Goose is a 二刺螈!#

2023.07.21 06:43 Shanghai. National Exhibition and Convention Center#

BW, start! Speaking of which, Goose Goose is an old social phobic; the day before, I said I must collect stamps with all the old wives teachers this time, but Goose Goose didn't expect that Goose Goose's brother and younger brother were even more socially phobic than Goose Goose. I digress; it seems that the plan was to set off at 5:30 to take the subway, but damn it, the barbecue I ate last night harmed Goose Goose's stomach, causing Goose Goose to rush to the toilet 🚽, and the gathering was delayed by 30 minutes. There was no choice but to take a taxi. Then all the unexpected events were caused by this stomach issue and taking a taxi, damn it. Goose Goose knew that going to the comic exhibition either required faith or teammates. Goose Goose had long felt that the two of them were unreliable in this matter, so Goose Goose chose a faith. Just right, I learned that Koyano Hikari was having a signing event today (follow [@河野华][28] meow, follow [@河野华][29] thank you meow!), so Goose Goose's goal today was to get the signing! Goose Goose even put on some perfume on my paws! Upon arriving at the venue, we first went to queue, and unexpectedly, we queued in the wrong line. Damn it, why are the regular ticket holders queuing at the VIP ticket side? Following the regular ticket line for half an hour, I only realized we were in the wrong line. But it was okay because we discovered it in time, and then we just happened to catch the early release of people! I didn't expect them to let people in at 7 o'clock. Goose Goose thought, signing is secure. As a result, Goose Goose got lost in the venue! By the time Goose Goose reached Hall 8.1, it was already 08:30, and the 200 signing wristbands for the whole day had already been distributed! I didn't expect them to distribute wristbands early! Goose Goose was directly dumbfounded, turning into a silly goose 🧠. Goose Goose is actually just a casual fan, but at this moment, successfully grabbing a signing event was the motivation for BW that day. Later, as more and more people gathered, they directly started an evacuation, and Goose Goose left. Then big brother headed straight for SONY, and his younger brother said anywhere is fine. Goose Goose's mood hadn't recovered yet, so I said let’s go to the 4.1 main stage. Later, I stayed at the main stage for a day, and only when Miss Inori (follow [@祈 Inory][30] meow, follow [@祈 Inory][31] thank you meow~) and You Cat (follow [@呦猫 UNEKO][32] meow, follow [@呦猫 UNEKO][33] thank you meow~) appeared did Goose Goose's mood recover meow. Overall, although there were quite a few regrets today (no signing && no collecting stamps), mainly because Goose Goose wasn't well prepared, but seeing the sisters dance so closely for the first time and familiar singers sing was still quite happy meow. Then when leaving, there was also a hidden surprise, Bilibili Water! Goose Goose got soaked! The photos here have already been left in Shanghai, and I will supplement them later. By the way, Goose Goose can't take pictures either, resulting in five consecutive shots of death!

![BW Entrance][34]

Queued in the wrong line

![Meng Ai moi][35]

[@萌爱 moi][36]

![Ya Ya gagako & -MyMy Mai Mai-1][37]

![Ya Ya gagako & -MyMy Mai Mai-2][38]

[@伢伢 gagako][39] and [@-MyMy 麦麦 -][40]

![Rabbit President s][41]

[@兔总裁 s][42]



![Tocci 1][45]

![Tocci 2][46]

![Tocci 3][47]

[@Tocci 椭奇][48]

![pipi-Ping Ping][49]

[@pipi - 萍萍][50]

![Le Ge][51]


![Bo Meow Meow Meow 1][53]

![Bo Meow Meow Meow 2][54]

![Bo Meow Meow Meow 3][55]


![-Cat Master- & Yui Corgi Smart 1][57]

![-Cat Master- & Yui Corgi Smart 2][58]

![-Cat Master- & Yui Corgi Smart 3][59]

[@- 猫大人 -][60] and [@Yui 柯基大聪明][61]

![Mu Mu has Milk Candy 1][62]

![Mu Mu has Milk Candy 2][63]

![Mu Mu has Milk Candy 3][64]


![Liuer 622 Classmate w][66]

[@六二二同学 w][67]

![BW Ticket][68]

Finally arrived at the hotel, this 二刺螈 water is so deep

2023.07.22 17:30 Shanghai. Mercedes-Benz Cultural Center#

I was tired from returning from BW yesterday, so today I only went to BML. I heard it was raining again, so Goose Goose wore flip-flops, but there was no rain. Goose Goose's webbed feet were even chafed by the flip-flops, oh no~ However, this year's BML, although there was no host, the programs came one after another, and the viewing experience was quite good. Moreover, this year's programs were all great! Goose Goose's favorite programs meow? [Reincarnated in the Meme World][69], [Unified Ice Red Tea, Dancing True Youth][70], [Attention, today's sweetness has exceeded the standard!][71], and the most classic program [Time Capsule][72]! Among them, especially the program sponsored by the unified ice red tea, Goose Goose thought it was just an... advertisement, but it turned out to be a medley of the theme songs from past and present BDF! When Together intertwined, Goose Goose was stunned, so surprised! Goose Goose experienced live cheering for the first time, and everyone's support and creativity were on point!!! Singing together felt so great meow!!! Finally, when Dog Hank came out, I was teary-eyed; uncle, you saw it from the box, right? This 二刺螈 still has potential!

![BML 1][73]

![BML 2][74]

![BML 3][75]

![BML 4][76]

Four hours passed so quickly! Hope to come again next year!

Four. Chapter Four: The Ancient Town is Not Ancient, West Lake is Indeed a Lake#

2023.07.23 17:00 Wuzhen. Xizha#

Originally, we planned to go to Suzhou, but later found online that the ancient towns have become quite commercialized, so going to one is equivalent to going to all, so we changed to Wuzhen Xizha, which is said to have nice night views. Once inside, it was okay, but it was all people; Goose Goose didn't feel anything special. This place is suitable for couples to take pictures; basically, everyone comes to take pictures, haha, oh no.


2023.07.24 12:00 Hangzhou. West Lake#

Today, big brother left the team, and Goose Goose and his younger brother walked around West Lake for half a circle, then felt it was boring, so they returned to Shanghai, preparing to go home!

![West Lake][78]

Five. Epilogue: Return Journey#

On the 25th, Goose Goose and his younger brother prepared to go home, booking a flight at 7:00 in the morning ✈. Before sleeping, Goose Goose asked his younger brother to set an alarm for 04:00 ⏰, but he set it for 16:00 instead. Fortunately, Goose Goose also set one, damn it. This time, taking Goose Goose's younger brother around, he took the green train hard seat, hard sleeper, high-speed train, intercity express, subway, and plane, and also watched large comic exhibitions and performances; the mission is complete!

Six. Afterword#

After returning, I scrolled through Bilibili and felt that the BW/BML Goose Goose attended was not the same as everyone else's. It seems that Goose Goose has been out of touch for quite a while and still has a lot to learn meow. At least, I should get to know some new UP owners. Then Goose Goose also resigned, and I still don't know what to do next. While writing this article, I haven't thought about what to do next. Big goose, where will you go from here?

Special thanks to [@白茶猫猫 OwO][79] for lulling Goose Goose to sleep during the trip; everyone follow this meow, it's a cat that can sing, loves to eat watermelon 🍉, and can lull you to sleep. Goose Goose really likes her desk series audio!

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